You don’t need anyone’s permission to make a positive difference in your own life. So many people are out there waiting for someone to give them permission. Permission to say yes to something. Permission to feel an emotion. Some people are out there waiting for permission to slow down or take a break.

Today, pretty much anyone can do anything. There has never been a better time, and you have never had as much access to tools that can get you started. You can start a company, publish a book, a song, even a movie. No one can tell you no, don’t do that. Conversely, no one needs to permit you to do it either.

It is always easier for someone to tell you no. Saying no means, they don’t have to think. It means they don’t have to do anything. Whereas them saying yes means they’ve committed to something.

Stop chasing opportunities, make them. Don’t wait for people to let you speak; speak anyway. Rip the bandaid off, focus on intention, and get to work. You don’t need anyone’s permission.

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