Endings are hard, and most people don’t do them well. However, life has stages, seasons, and phrases. For there to be anything new, old things always have to come to an end. You have to let go of them to move forward. Endings are a natural part of the universe, and without endings, you become stagnate.

Going on to the next level of your journey always requires you to say goodbye to something, leave it behind, and move on. Become who you are meant to become. Accomplish all that your talents and abilities afford you.

Successful people readily face reality. They see what is not working, and even more, what is not going to change to start working magically. Their awareness of hopelessness is what finally brings them to the reality of ending something.

When you find your wake-up moment and realize something in your life must come to an end, you will become energized to do it. For instance, when hope becomes nothing more than an empty wish, smile because it happened and end it.

In other words, when there is an absence of real, objective reasons to think more time will change anything, it is time to end something and say goodbye. Whenever you face the reality that something must come to an end, my hope for you is that you can smile because it happened.

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