Encouragement infuses courage into another person. With encouragement, there is strength to look ahead, move forward, and reach for the next goal. You can transform the entire tone of a difficult situation by offering a bit of encouragement.

Encouragement takes many forms. It can be noisy with loud and flooding praise, strong hugs, loud hurrahs, and applause. On the other hand, encouragement can be quiet and indirect with a soft smile, a kind word, or a light touch on the arm. No matter the form of encouragement you offer, it is powerful.

Offering encouragement lifts a person’s spirit and gives strength to stay focused on their goal and keep moving forward. We need to make more time to encourage people as we go through the journey of life together. Encouragement should be given freely, sincerely, personally, specifically, and more importantly, frequently.

Speak words of encouragement because it gives hope. Words of encouragement transform lives. There is tremendous power in offering someone the right words at the right time. Uncover opportunities to build and add value to others for their good and development.

When someone receives encouragement, they have an identity shift. When a person is encouraged, they see themselves differently. It gives them an incredible boost of confidence. They have a sense of direction, increased motivation, joy, passion, creativity, and above all, commitment. Encouragement is powerful because it creates energy.

How different would our world be if we all encouraged someone daily? Encourage your family, friends, and coworkers. Encourage them daily for as long as it takes. It costs nothing and takes only minutes or seconds. There is no better way to inspire the people around you than through encouragement.

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