Success has an enemy named adversity. However, adversity is just that and nothing more. Adversity will affect your circumstances at work and at home. That doesn’t mean you need to surrender and allow it to affect who you are, where you’re headed, or what you are capable of. To be successful in life and work, taking the next step is crucial.

Taking the next step connects your past actions to future results. Therefore, failing to take the next step wastes every step you’ve taken before. Additionally, avoiding the next step means you will not reach all the steps you’ve planned to take towards your goals.

Success comes from moving forward. No one has succeeded by standing still. Those who achieve success are those who take the next step. When adversity strikes you on the path towards your goals, you have two choices. You can take the next step to find a way to make it work. Or, you can take the next step to navigate your way beyond it.

Gather up your values. Reflect and become reenergized by your dreams. Organize and coordinate your priorities and preferences so that you can take the next step forward. Right now, in front of you is an all-important next step to take.

You’ve come a long way. Seize the opportunity to keep that momentum going. Now is your moment. Do what comes next. Take the next step. Connect your past deeds with the best of your possibilities.

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