In ABC’s Once Upon a Time, Rumplestiltskin frequently said everything comes at a price. While the show is a fairy tale, that saying holds true in reality and in ways most people fail to consider.
An estimation of the number of decisions that the average adult makes is 35,000 remotely conscious choices every day. Each option carries inevitable consequences that are both good and bad. Our minds carry out a process that guides our decision making. Impulsive, compliance, delegating, avoidance, balancing, and prioritizing. We use a combination of these decision-making strategies to cope with the volume of decisions that must be made.
When you choose to say yes to something, make sure it is aligned with your goals. Evaluate that yes to ensure it will move you forward. Put a little bit of thought into what you are sacrificing by agreeing to something. Every time you say yes to one thing, you are saying no to another.