You have a lot going on. Life will continuously present you with infinite possibilities. Regardless of how wealthy, talented, or well-connected you are, you can only do so much. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Do you feel like you never have enough time? Do you wish there were more of you to spread around? The path to reaching your goals requires you to focus your attention and activity towards those goals. Conversely, responding to other people’s priorities reduces your effectiveness towards reaching your goals.

You can’t commit to anything if you are committing to everything. People will continuously make urgent requests from you. Unfortunately, their urgency can scream louder than what is important. Responding to their urgency inevitably means you are sacrificing your attention to the goals that are important to you.

The most powerful thing you have at your disposal is your attention. As a result, whatever you focus your attention upon will determine your level of success. At the same time, the most challenging attention to focus on is your own. But, focusing on your attention isn’t possible if you are always responding to other people’s priorities.

You get to decide to turn your attention towards those things that important for you. Don’t allow someone’ss lack of planning to constitute urgency on your part. You choose where your attention goes, and that needs to be on your goals. Focus on what is important not what is urgent.

The object of your attention is yours to decide. It cannot be forced upon you by anything other than your own choice. There is enormous power in your attention. Consequently, every moment is an opportunity to direct that power. Choose to aim the power of your attention on what is important so that it moves you closer to your goals.

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