There is no limit to your potential. Whatever you can dream, whatever you can imagine, can be brought into your life. People who repeatedly attack your confidence and self-esteem do so because they are well aware of your unlimited potential. Additionally, they are aware of your potential before you are. They are scared and threatened by it and want to stop you before you realize it.

Other people’s opinions of you cause a vast amount of unnecessary negative thinking. Additionally, it can cause a lot of silly activity and distraction. Of course, you want to make good impressions on people. So you are polite, honest, and respectful. Beyond that, do not concern yourself with what others think of you.

Don’t let negativity win. Your life is too valuable to spend in despair, destruction, and deception that other people’s words imprison you in. Rise up to the many challenges of your life. Rise up to the positive possibilities of your potential.

Recommit yourself to all that you love and care about. Focus your actions and energy inward to further the goodness in your life. You are destined for, capable, and worthy of more than their attacks on your confidence and self-esteem would have you believe.

Decide to live with the freedom of your own thoughts. Find confidence in your value and worth. Trust that you are doing the right thing. Once you believe in yourself and in what you are doing, it no longer matters what other people are saying.

Feel the unique power that comes from unleashing your potential. Your potential is what gives an extraordinary beauty to the world. A beauty that only you can contribute.

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