Many people fail just before they achieve success. They fail because fear takes hold and immobilizes them. Some are afraid of failure; conversely, some are afraid of success. Fear robs them of every opportunity to achieve what they desire. More importantly, fear prevents them from becoming what they are capable of. There is no surer way to fail than never to try.

Understanding fear is the first step to moving beyond it. Fear provides a practical purpose, namely, to keep us safe. Fear isn’t supposed to immobilize us; rather, it helps us act with intention to achieve our goals.

You don’t need to be quick to dive in with action. Acting with deliberation, planning, and pacing are also actions that move you beyond fear. Running when you should walk can threaten your success or ruin your chances altogether. When faced with fear, consider analyzing the situation, and review your options because that could lead you to a well thought out decision.

Learn, listen, and train to become more confident to move beyond fear. The unknown is a common cause of fear. When you are paralyzed by fear and unable to move forward, seek the information, knowledge, and training needed to use facts rather than speculation.

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail, and practice makes perfect. When your ability to move beyond fear is related to performance, prepare, practice, and rehearse. Doing so increases your confidence, which helps you move beyond fear.

Utilize a mentor or coach to move beyond fear. Whatever is preventing you from moving beyond fear, no doubt, is something someone else has overcome. Athletes, actors, and students, among others, have teachers and coaches, so why not you? Don’t discount your friends. Even if they haven’t been through what you are fearing, they can provide support and encouragement.

Most importantly, maintain a positive attitude. Keeping your attitude in check by staying positive helps you keep trying. Most people fail because they usually give up, and usually that happens right before they are about to break through their adversity. Additionally, try different methods. Sometimes achieving success requires a small pivot.

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