Change your perspective on your flaws to change your level of happiness. Social media feeds, news feeds, and other media overwhelm us into thinking we aren’t enough. We aren’t pretty enough, smart enough, thin enough, or young enough. Everyone has flaws, however, very few put them on display. After all, merely activating a filter on your camera is all that you need to erase the flaw away. But instead of erasing your imperfections for the perfect picture, change your perspective and call it a feature.

Mark Twain once said, “The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.” He couldn’t be more right because you spend more time with yourself than anyone else. Or worse, you surround yourself with people who aren’t healthy for you to avoid spending time with yourself. However, when you start accepting yourself and your flaws, life will be more liberating.

Self-acceptance is directly proportional to happiness. The more you accept yourself, the more joy you allow yourself to accept, receive and enjoy. In other words, you will only realize the level of happiness you believe you are worthy of.

Too many people struggle daily with self-acceptance. Forever doubting themselves causes them to have additional negative thoughts. As a result, those negative thoughts become their truth. It is a vicious cycle that causes feelings of despair and self-loathing, which leads to bitterness.

Find self-acceptance by changing your perspective. Identify why you feel it is a flaw. Next, uncover what is positive and how the flaw contributes to your strengths. Finally, stop calling it a flaw or any other negative label you’ve given it. Instead, start viewing your flaws as features. Our flaws make us unique, and what makes us unique makes us beautiful. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

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