Very often, what you heard isn’t what was said. Consequently, what you saw isn’t what was. The same is true of people you interact with, in that what they hear isn’t what you said. When you focus too much on yourself, you are limiting your chances of having positive interactions. Additionally, when your thoughts are self-centered, they will cut you off from a world of possibilities.

We all see the world differently. Each of us applies a different lens, filter, or biases to interpret the world we see and hear based on our individual life experiences. No one has traveled the same road of life. You get closer to real understanding when you expand your perspective.

Bitterness, anger, frustration, and disillusionment are the consequences when the only perspective you consider is your own. Your narrow concerns become painfully overwhelming as a result of giving them all your attention and energy. Therefore, before dismissing anyone as an idiot or praising them as a genius, expand your perspective. Use your intellect and energy on understanding rather than jumping to a conclusion with a label.

Cease your pain and frustration by expanding your perspective beyond yourself. Raise your perspective high enough to see more of the beauty and less of the world’s pettiness. Pay attention to what others are truly saying and doing to gain valuable insights you would have otherwise missed. Let go of your need to be right or praised. Above all, let go of your need to feel superior. Raising your perspective fills you with peace, beauty, and gratitude.

The world will rush by as it always does. False urgencies will continue to scream for your attention, shouting, shoving, and ignoring life’s beauty. Free yourself from your narrow perspective and a whole new set of brilliant opportunities will open to you.

Make a difference by raising your perspective high enough to see more of the beauty and less of the pettiness.

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