Appreciate what you have because you will lose it. The sad reality that each and every one of us will experience at least once in life is that you don’t know what you have ’til it’s gone. It could be an opportunity in life, a moment, a person, a pet, or a material thing. You starve them of your gratitude because you take them for granted. Even worse, you don’t realize you neglected to appreciate them until they suddenly leave your life forever.
So you live with regret because you are blind to the moment. You are blind to the moment because you dwell on the things you miss from the past. Or, you waste your time dreaming about the things you wish you had. So you end up ignoring the things you have in the present. You don’t appreciate what you have.
Being blind to the moment causes you to lose things that mean a lot to you. You fail to realize their true value and impact on your life. You fail to appreciate them. So, you starve them of gratitude, and then suddenly, you look up and don’t have them anymore. You didn’t appreciate what you have.
It is a common thing once your time with something reaches its conclusion. Becoming complacent is an easy trap to get stuck in. Happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting what you don’t have. Happiness comes from recognizing and appreciating what you do have. People constantly want something more, something new, something more significant. Don’t lose something you have for something you think you want. Start to appreciate what you have.

Think back on your life. Go back to a time when you wished you had what you have now. What you have now was once everything you wished you had. Think about how lucky you are to have the people you are comfortable being around in your life. Think about how many other people out there are wishing they lived where you live, worked in the job you have, or have the things you possess. What you have in life that you take for granted is someone else’s dream. Cherish them and start to appreciate what you have.

Why is it so hard to appreciate what you have? Why can’t you live in the moment and shower what you have with gratitude instead of complaint? Appreciate what you have because you never know when your time with something will come to a conclusion. Free your mind from what was or what you wish would be. Recognize what you have right now. Don’t wait until the day comes when you will lose it. Don’t wait for the absence of someone or something to imprison you in regret. Appreciate what you have because you will lose it.
How will you learn to appreciate this, whatever this is in your life?
Even when it’s not exactly how you imagined things would be. Especially when things aren’t exactly how the world tells you they should be. When you’ve made mistakes that brought you somewhere you never thought you would be. Appreciate what you have because one day, maybe long from now, maybe suddenly, you will most certainly lose it.

Share your appreciation for someone or something in the comments below.