You can’t pour into others empty. Most people aren’t devoting enough time to being with themselves for self-care. They are too busy with the urgent day-to-day happenings of life that they sacrifice me-time. Additionally, the pandemic of 2020 has made it nearly impossible for people to put themselves first. No matter how much you want to give to others, you have nothing to give if you don’t have anything yourself.

Mothers want to be the best mothers they can be, and fathers want the same. Do you want to be the most effective teacher, boss, or mentor? It is easy to feel indulging in me-time is selfish, but you can’t pour into others empty. Some people think it is irresponsible and, as a result, put themselves last, yet you can’t pour into others empty.

Self-care is not selfish, and neither is it irresponsible. Instead, self-care is highly responsible because it is a powerfully creative force. Finding opportunities for me-time allows you to recharge, rejuvenate, and have a clear mind with an open heart. You can’t pour into others empty, so you have to put yourself first to refill your strength and energy.

5 Creative and Overlooked Ways for Self-Care or Me-Time

Squeezing a few minutes of me-time into the middle of your day will work if that is all you have. It doesn’t have to be a lavish day at the spa or an expensive weekend retreat.

  1. Take a long shower
  2. Cook or bake your favorite dish
  3. Commute in silence without the radio on to be reflective and introspective
  4. Wake up before everyone else to have some personal space
  5. Go somewhere you don’t usually go, such as a different coffee shop or taking a different route to work

In as little as five minutes, you can take a brisk walk, or linger in the shower, or sit in silence and reflect. Five minutes gives you time to breathe, and sometimes a small reset is needed to regain your strength to continue pouring into others.

Get into the habit of spending quality time with yourself daily. You are your greatest asset. You have many things to offer the world, but you can’t provide those things when you are empty. The more you take care of your needs and desires with self-care and me-time, the more you can contribute and give yourself to others.

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