The secret to success often boils down to persistence and resilience. How often have you tried something a few times and given up? How often are you willing to fail so that you can ultimately succeed? Persistence and resilience are fundamental tools you need to be successful. As the saying goes, most people give us just as they are about to reach their breakthrough.

What is the definition of persistence and resilience, and what is different about them?

Persistence – Firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Resilience – An ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.

Persistence is continuing forward despite the path being difficult. In comparison, resilience is recovering quickly or pivoting when something isn’t working.

Because our world has become so fast-paced, combined with our insatiable appetite for instant gratification, we have become less likely to persist. We place high-value on instant success and quickly blame others for our failure. As a result, we stop trying and judge ourselves as a failure too quickly. However, the blame belongs to our failure to persevere or pivot.

When the worst thing happens to you, the best thing to do is keep moving forward. Resilience is the essence of strength, so the more you push yourself forward, the stronger you will become. It is challenging to push forward when your world is crumbling around you. At the same, that is what we have done since the beginning of time.

Rather than giving up, make the determination that there is some small change you can pivot to, a different approach you can take to keep going. Then, do the work to find that way, make the next effort, and persist in following it. As a result, you will begin to see progress. You will reach higher and higher levels of success.

Resilience moves you beyond fear and propels you forward in the direction of the best you can be. Persistence increases the number of efforts you make towards the success you seek. Leverage the power of resilience and perseverance to do what needs doing to move yourself and your world successfully forward.

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