Everyone has made mistakes. We all have history, a series of failures and mistakes that have shaped us into who we are today. Those mistakes made you better and wiser. Those mistakes helped you become who you are. More importantly, your mistakes are not worse than anyone else’s.

We are taught from a young age to hide our flaws. We’ve been conditioned to feel shame or guilt for making mistakes. The easy thing to do is criticize and torture yourself for the rest of your life because you feel like you deserve it. Or perhaps you go to great lengths to keep your mistakes a secret. After all, suffering in silence is easier, but you deserve better.

When I hear someone’s life story, their mistakes and failures inspire me the most. Stories of overcoming hardships and standing up after falling down inspire me to better my own life. Those are the stories that speak to my heart. How different would my life be if those stories hadn’t been shared with me?

Never be ashamed of your mistakes. They are not are worse than mine, and they most certainly are not worse than anyone else’s. Never discount the impact your story may have on someone’s life. Please don’t be ashamed of your mistakes; instead, share them freely and proudly. Allow others to be inspired to do better in their own life because you were brave enough to share your story with them.

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