There are endless excuses as to why you are failing to do what needs doing. No doubt, some of those reasons are rather good. Maybe you’ve had a hard day, or perhaps you are too busy. Additionally, your life is complicated right now, or you feel you’re not smart enough. Sure, these excuses are plausible. Yes, excuses help you save face and appear more diligent or disciplined. But, is your goal to merely appear successful? Are you looking for more excuses or, are you looking for success? In the end, every excuse’s origin is the failure to take action on what needs doing.

Excuses enable you to avoid taking personal responsibility. As a result, excuses hold you back. They rob you of achievement that comes from reaching your goals. You deserve more, and you are worthy of more than a life filled with excuses. Excuses make you feel better in the moment. However, as time goes by, and it becomes too late to take action, those excuses that brought you joy won’t ease the pain of regret.

Do you want a life of excuses, or do you want a life of success? When you find yourself crafting some grand excuse to delay taking action, ask yourself that question. Challenge yourself to rise above the habit of making excuses and instead choose to take action. Do this even if the action is so tiny you will barely notice. Minimal movement is far greater than impressive excuses.

Excuses are shallow, useless, and imprison you in a life of failure. Stop settling for an endless list of reasons for your failure. Excuses have created the circumstances of your life. Action changes that because action allows you to take back control. Taking action changes the circumstances of your life. The more action you take, the more success you achieve, the more you improve your circumstances. Seize this day as the extraordinary opportunity it is.

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