Some people are living life, while others are letting life live them. Life is living you when external events or people keep you incarcerated in a negative state. Forever handcuffed in negativity, that is all but impossible to escape. While what happens in life cannot be controlled, you can determine your own life experiences.

React with a response.

It is super easy to get carried away in reacting to a person or situation. When you react without action, you surrender power over your emotions, thoughts, and actions to events or other people. But here is a secret, you are capable of choosing how to respond to the situation. Determine your own actions to life’s challenges to take your power back. Choose your actions and be rewarded with inner freedom.

Become present.

Routine and familiar tasks often rob you blind of living in the moment. They make it easy for your attention to be carried away to the past or future. Routine creates opportunities for inventing imaginary scenarios or overwhelming your mind with negative self-talk. As a result, you lose your awareness of what is going on and what you are doing. Resist the urge to break free from spending time in your head rather than in the situation’s actual experience. Become wholeheartedly engaged in what you are doing, what is going on, right here and now. Break free by being physically, mentally, and emotionally engaged.

Evaluate what is important to you.

Usually, people are very sure about what they don’t want anymore and less sure about what they want. Gain a sense of direction for life by knowing what you want to express or achieve. And then, create ways of doing those things. Some people confuse purpose with goals. Purpose is the path of life, whereas goals are stops along the route. You breathe meaning into your life when the path is significant and worthwhile—focusing on bigger issues than yourself allows you to contribute your value to the world, and as a result, to yourself.

Finding meaning and purpose.

Don’t wait for something spectacular to come to mind. It doesn’t have to be public or specific. Search for what energizes you, something that fills your life with interest and challenge. Maybe it is improving your personal best, or perhaps becoming the best version of yourself. Whatever you choose will determine how you express yourself and what you value.

Overcome the challenges that will most certainly come from life. Face those challenges with the brute force of your purpose. Engage the entirety of your effectiveness with the power of intention. Other people or events will try to trick you into limiting what your purpose should be. Don’t allow them to distract or divert you. Choose your own road. The road that makes you feel good about you.

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